Friday, December 26, 2008

What's wrong with Republicans - Haters!

Candidate For RNC Chair Sends Out CD With Song Called "Barack, The Magic Negro"
If one of the Republican Party's challenges is how to effectively oppose the first black president without coming off as racist, one of the candidates for RNC chair is hardly off to a good start -- he is now distributing a CD that includes a racially-charged song called "Barack, The Magic Negro."
... The CD, called “We Hate the USA,” lampoons liberals with such songs as “John Edwards’ Poverty Tour,” “Wright place, wrong pastor,” “Love Client #9,” “Ivory and Ebony” and “The Star Spanglish banner.”

Does anyone think that Republicans have an innate problem Blacks, Liberals, Hispanics, and anyone who is not enveloped in white sheets.  If this is the person, Chip Saltsman, running for RNC head could it (the GOP) really be the party that wants to include all Americans.  This song was and will be seen as funny but only to the distorted.  In the land of pick-up trucks with the number 3 or 8 painted on the hood, Dixie flags, and 'Redneck and proud' stick on the windows this is funny.  This is the way Republicans roll; this is contrary to the promotion of democracy in the U.S..
I suggest that Chip Saltsman should be the RNC head if republicans want to lost another election, and codify the DNC for a generation.  Think about it:  Republicans do not like Blacks 'Barack, The Magic Negro', or Liberals 'John Edwards’ Poverty Tour, ' or Hispanics 'The Star Spanglish banner'.  Respectively think about those voting blocks; 13% Blacks, 35% Liberals, and 15% Hispanics.     

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