Monday, December 24, 2012

Wayne LaPierre Frothing At Mouth During 'Meet the Press' - Business Insider

Wayne LaPierre Frothing At Mouth During 'Meet the Press' - Business Insider: ""This is a matter of logic, Mr. LaPierre," Gregory said. "Because anybody watching this is going to say,  'Hey, wait a minute. I just heard Mr. LaPierre say that we should try anything that might reduce the violence. And you're telling me that it's not a matter of common sense that if you don't have an ability to shoot off 30 rounds without reloading, that, just possibly, you could reduce the loss of life?"
"I don't buy your argument for a minute," LaPierre said. "There are so many different ways he could've done it."
In the interview, LaPierre also repeated his call to put armed officers in every school.
Here's another look at the froth:"

'via Blog this'

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