Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Koch Brothers Donation to HBCUs: A Hot Political Mess

So much to say here!!  The main point being set up an arm that'll support students who direct their work in Black or Latino areas.  Not in Libertarian causes!

Koch Brothers Donation to HBCUs: A Hot Political Mess | UPTOWN Magazine:

With Historically Black Colleges and Universities literally hurting for money, survival instincts cut in: who wouldn’t take a $25 million check to stop the hemorrhaging?  That question got a bit more complicated when the nefarious Koch Brothers – typically caricatured as ultra-conservative evil twins on a world domination binge – dropped that stunning amount on a hungry United Negro College Fund desperate for a save.
The UNCF, a longtime reliable fundraising funnel for HBCUs, definitely grit its teeth when accepting the Koch donation, but ends justify the means.  As they apparently did when the Los Angeles-area NAACP was called out for accepting annual donations from the notorious Donald Sterling.
But, HBCUs are between a heavy rock and a hard place these days: on one hand, their very survival threatened by everything from lack of academic and irrelevance to precipitous drops in federal financial aid.  They face competition from mainstream or predominantly White public and private schools because Black students can go anywhere they want now.  Then sudden and draconian Obama administration changes in Parent PLUS loan cut financial lifelines to 28,000 HBCU students who couldn’t meet tuition deadlines – not to mention the schools that, as a result, lost $160 million in cheese (see WashingtonPost graph below).'via Blog this'

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