Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fox News Commentator: Democrats Are 'Being Foolish,' Should Propose Gun Control Laws | ThinkProgress

Huh? Shouldn't he be giving advice to his own party?  Am I reading this wrong??

Fox News Commentator: Democrats Are 'Being Foolish,' Should Propose Gun Control Laws | ThinkProgress: "Conservative commentator Bill Kristol today on Fox News Sunday said that Democrats are “being foolish” by not proposing sensible gun regulations. “People have a right to handguns and hunting rifles,” Kristol said, “I don’t think they have a right to semi-automatic, quazi-machine guns that can shoot hundred bullets at a time. And I actually think the Democrats are being foolish as they are being cowardly. I think there is support for some moderate forms of gun control if they separate clearly from a desire to take away everyone’s handguns or hunting rifles. …President Obama on this one is just unwilling to take a strong stance.” Watch it:"

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