Thursday, August 2, 2012

GOP Governor Schools Romney On Wind: 'Get Out Here In The Real World To Find Out What's Really Going On' | ThinkProgress

GOP Governor Schools Romney On Wind: 'Get Out Here In The Real World To Find Out What's Really Going On' | ThinkProgress:

Republicans in wind states like Iowa, Utah, and Colorado are seemingly in denial on where Romney stands:
SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA) said: “I think people that didn’t know what they were doing said it, because he was over in Poland — he obviously wasn’t thinking about wind energy. I don’t think it’s going to stand. … I don’t think that that’s the real position of the party because they said that they were going to consult me on this stuff, and they haven’t gotten my view.”
SEN. ORRIN HATCH (R-UT), quoted in the Wall Street Journal: ”It’s just one of the things that is still a little cloudy in my mind as to where he really does stand on it.” Mr. Hatch said he thinks that a phase-out of the tax credit–instead of outright elimination–”might be more consistent with Gov. Romney’s feelings anyway as he looks at it thoroughly.”
REP. TOM LATHAM (R-IA) said Romney’s position reflects “a lack of full understanding of how important the wind energy tax credit is for Iowa and our nation. It’s the wrong decision. Wind energy represents one of the most innovative and exciting sectors of Iowa’s economy.”

'via Blog this'

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