Sunday, February 20, 2011

McAuliffe: McDonnell 'kicked the can down the road' - David Catanese -

I did the research on this about six months ago. The Gov. did a transfer of retirement fees, and shuffle funds.

McAuliffe: McDonnell 'kicked the can down the road' - David Catanese - "McAuliffe, who is expected to run for governor in 2013, said McDonnell has been deceptive on the budget by failing to put hundreds of millions of dollars into the state's retirement system.

'Please don't come back to me this year and say we have a surplus when all we did was kick the can down the road with the $620 million. Gov. McDonnell has basically kicked the can down the road,' McAullife said while greeting Democrats at the annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner at the Richmond Convention Center Saturday night."

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