Friday, July 5, 2013

Bush a Fond Presence in Africa for Work During and Since His Presidency -

Pres G.W. Bush was way better than Pres B Obama for Africa!

Bush a Fond Presence in Africa for Work During and Since His Presidency - "While in office, Mr. Bush started the Millennium Challenge Corporation to direct aid to African states that tried to reform corrupt and undemocratic governments. He also initiated the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or Pepfar, which invested tens of billions of dollars to fighting H.I.V., and later tackled malaria and tuberculosis.

By the time he left office, millions were receiving retroviral drugs keeping them alive, and polls showed approval of the United States at 65 percent in Tanzania, and in the 70s and 80s in other African countries. During a final trip as president in early 2008, Mr. Bush was warmly greeted by huge crowds of the sort he never saw at home anymore.

The AIDS program has become a central part of Mr. Bush’s own effort to shape his legacy. The presidential library he dedicated in April devoted a considerable part of its exhibits to Pepfar, while other more controversial decisions of his tenure like his counterterrorism policies on interrogation, detention and surveillance received less attention."

'via Blog this'

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