Sunday, August 28, 2011

Allen West Whitewashes MLK’s Legacy Into Conserative ‘Individual Responsibility’ Message | ThinkProgress

I've noticed this term in conservative media over the past two years. When Glenn Beck did his DC rally. Conservative media started to high jack the 'Message'.

We all can tell they don't read King. ref: Vietnam

There are several times when King speaks of 'Social Justice' (the antisepsis of conservatives) or against war of all types (Beyond Vietnam). That makes West’s (LTC) comments baffling. Last, when Dr. King was killed he was protesting for justice for union rights for two garbage men who were killed in a garbage truck.

Allen West Whitewashes MLK’s Legacy Into Conserative ‘Individual Responsibility’ Message | ThinkProgress: "Dr. King’s message is and always shall be relevant. It is about individual responsibility and accountability to seek the highest good in your life … as a nation seeks its highest good. America can only be as great as the sum of its parts, all parts.
I think that, if Dr. King were to come back and see what has become of the black community, he would be appalled: The exorbitantly high unemployment rate, the second- and third-generation welfare families, the rampant decimation of the inner-city black communities, the incarceration rate of young black men, and the breakdown of the black family would all bring a tear to his eye."

'via Blog this'

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